NEWS ALERT: Watch Cortec’s New CorrVerter® MCI® Rebar Demo Video!
Cortec® is pleased to release a new demo video on how to apply CorrVerter® MCI® to rusty rebar! The demo shows how to transform a piece of rusty rebar into a primed and passivated one, as required for good concrete repair surface prep. It is a great resource to share with engineers, contractors, and anyone involved in concrete construction or restoration.
The two-and-a-half-minute demo video covers basic steps of CorrVerter® MCI® Rust Primer application:
1. Remove loose rust with a wire brush and rinse.
2. Apply CorrVerter® at ≈9-14 mils (225-350 µm) wet film thickness (WFT).
3. Recoat 20-30 minutes later if needed.
4. Allow to cure 24 hours before placing concrete.
5. Inspect to ensure full coverage and total cure.
A highlight of the video is the time lapse that shows CorrVerter® MCI® turning from white to black as the primer dries over the course of 4-6 hours. In the process, CorrVerter® MCI® is able to passivate existing surface rust and protect against re-rusting, providing a labor-saving alternative to sandblasting for rusty rebar. The most obvious application is rusty rebar surface prep as a convenient alternative to sandblasting prior to concrete repair. However, CorrVerter® MCI® can also be used to passivate new rebar that may have rusted during outdoor storage on the jobsite.
The CorrVerter® MCI® rebar demo is a fun introduction to the workings of CorrVerter® and is a great way to familiarize workers with the application process before using CorrVerter® MCI® out in the field. Watch the demo now to see how it works!
Keywords: CorrVerter, MCI, rust primer, rusty rebar, how to apply CorrVerter, concrete repair, rusty rebar surface prep, Cortec, alternative to sandblasting, CorrVerter demo
For a PDF version please click here.
FEATURED IN: Weldable Rust Inhibitor, VpCI®-325 Featured in Industrial Equipment News
EcoShield VpCI-380 Topcoat by Cortec Corporation Featured in Facility Executive Magazine
Case History Spotlight #643: Biobased Coating for Outdoor Tube Storage
The ends of 30 feet (9 m) tubes used in fire protection systems were being missed during a fast-paced painting process on the production line. The manufacturer needed a rust preventative that could protect the ends of the tubes so they would be aesthetically pleasing to customers after being bundled and stored outside for 9-12 months.
The manufacturer decided to test EcoLine® 3690 biobased coating on a small bundle of bare steel pipes. A second bundle was coated with water-based paint for comparison. The bundles were stored outside for about eight months. At the end of the trial, the manufacturer was impressed with the performance of EcoLine® 3690 and adopted it as a replacement for the solvent-based rust preventative previously used to protect the ends of the tube bundles.
Read the full case history here.
Keywords: case history spotlight, rust preventative, outdoor storage, biobased coating, coating for outdoor storage, EcoLine 3690
For a PDF version please click here.
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